Publikacje z dziedziny Psychoterapii Pozytywnej.

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Artykuły z dziedziny PPT.

Boncheva, I. (2004): Psychological Parameters of the Communication „Medical Doctor – Patient. (Психологически параметри на комуникацията „Лекар-Болен”), Habilitation, Faculty for Clin. Psychology, Univ. Sofia (Bulg.) (*).Bulgarian language.

Bontcheva I. (2007): 15 years of psychotherapeutic experience with panic attacks’ patients . In: Abstract Book, IV. World Congress for positive Psychotherapy, Cyprus, 2007, S.29

Boncheva I. (2008): Psychotherapeutic Experience with Panic Attack Patients (Психотерапевтичен опит с пациенти, страдащи от панически атаки). Известия на съюза на учените – Варна (Journal of the Council of Scientists Varna), 1/2008, 6-8. Bulgarian language.

Boncheva I. (2008): Psychotherapeutic Competence. (Бончева Ив. : Психотерапевтичната компетентност.) Известия на съюза на учените – Варна (Journal of the Council of Scientists Varna), 1/2009, том XIV, 36 – 40. Bulgarian language.

Boncheva I. (2009): Psychodynamic of Aggression in First Form Pupils. (Психодинамика на агресията при първокласници.) Известия на съюза на учените – Варна (Journal of the Counsil of Scientists Varna), 1/2009, т. XIV, 41– 44. Bulgarian language.

Boncheva I. (2012): Psychological Help in Adaptation of Bulgarian Students in Foreign Countries. (Психологична помощ при адаптацията на българските студенти в чужбина.) сп. Клинична и консултативна психология (Journal for Clinical and Consutative Psychology), г. IV, бр. 1(11),2012, стр. 43-47. Bulgarian language.

Boncheva I. (2012): Psychosomatic “Arc” in the Psychotherapeutic Practice. J of IMAB. 2012, vol. 18, book 3, p. 330-333. DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2012183.330

Boncheva I (?): The Concepts of “Positum” in Mental Heallth Care (Концепцията за “позитум” в психиатричното обгрижване.) Ст.Загора (*). Bulgarian language.
Boncheva I. (?): Professional Identity of the Clinical Psychologist – the Way of Development (Професионална идентичност на клиничния психолог – път на израстване. Стено, Варна, 104 – 108 (*) Bulgarian language.

Boncheva I., Dimitrova S. (2008): Psychodynamic of Panic Attacks – the Model of Positive Psychotherapy. (Бончева Ив., С.Димитрова: Психодинамика на паническите атаки – модел на позитивната психотерапия) Сб.: Приложна психология и социална практика”, ВСУ –издателство, 2008, 331-336. Bulgarian language.

Boncheva I., Misheva A. (2012): Experience of significant life events in individuals diagnosed with prehypertension. J. of IMAB, 2012 (*)

Boncheva I., Tomcheva S. (2012): Social competence in 18-years-old students who had performed an aggressive act at school. J. of IMAB, 2012 (*)

Boncheva I., Russeva D. (?) : Loss Reactions and the Mechanism of Adaptation in the Period of Strong Mourning. (Бончева Ив., Д.Русева: Реакции на загуба и механизми на адаптация в период на остра скръб.) Ст.Загора (*)
Chalakova B. (1996): Training Program for Peers (15-17 y.) in the Context of Positive Psychotherapy. Journal Positum, Varna 1996, 21-23. ISSN 1310-5221. Bulgarian language.
Chalakova B. (1999): Comparison of the Psychodynamic Processes in Consultation with the Method of Positive Psychotherapy and Protagonist Orientated Psychodrama. Journal Positum 1999, Varna, 39-42. ISSN 1310-5221 Bulgarian language.

Chalakova B. (1999): Stories as Matrix for the Sociogram in Decision of Conflicts. Positum 1999, Varna, 33-35. ISSN 1310-5221. Bulgarian language

Cope, T. (2009). Positive Psychotherapy’s Theory of the Capacity to Know as Explication of Unconscious Contents, in the Journal of Religion and Health 48:79-89.

Cope, T. (2010). The inherently integrative approach of Positive Psychotherapy. The Journal of Psychotherapy Integration Vol. 20:2, 203-250.

Cyrous, Sam (2014): Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy. Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion 2014, pp 1348-1352
Deidenbach H (1981): Das fünfstufige Modell in der Positiven Psychotherapie. (The five-step model in positive psychotherapy). ZFA (Stuttgart). 1981 Apr 20;57(11):806-16. Article in German. (PubMed)

Dobiala, E., Winkler, P., Positive psychotherapy’ according to Seligman and 'Positive Psychotherapy’ according to Peseschkian: A Comparison The International Journal of Psychotherapy, 2016

Dumsch, Tina (1998): Der Ansatz der Positiven Psychotherapie im sozialpädagogischen Handeln, dargestellt am Beispiel einer tagesklinischen Einrichtung. Diplomarbeit im Studiengang Sozialpädagogik, Fachbereich Sozialwesen, Fachhochschule Münster. (*) German language

Eryılmaz, A.(2006). Pozitif psikoterapi bağlamında psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik programlarında öykü kullanımı: Örnek bir uygulama. I. Ulusal Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Uygulamaları Kongresi, Mersin Üniversitesi, Mersin, Türkiye,
21-23 Eylül,2006.THE 12TH CONGRESS OF THE ISPD JUNE 2008 – VOL. 28, SUPPL. 4 PDI [PP-272]. Turkish language

Eryılmaz, A.(2007). Pozitif psikoterapi ve gelişimsel rehberlik bağlamında ergenler için amaçları genişletme programının geliştirilmesi. Ulusal Teknik Eğitim, Mühendislik ve Eğitim Bilimleri Genç Araştırmacılar Sempozyumu, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Kocaeli, Türkiye, 20-22 Haziran. Turkish language

Eryılmaz, A . (2008) . Improving an educational programme about extending the aims for adolescents with respect to positive psychotherapy and comprehensive guidance Paper presented at World Conference of International Association of Child an Adolescent
Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines (IACAPAP) Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, April 30- May 3, 2008.

Eryilmaz, A. (2010): Review: „Expansion of Goals Program” for Adolecents with Respect to Positive Psychotherapy and Comprehensive Guidance. Aile ve Toplum 11, 5, 20, ISSN 1303-0256. Turkish language

Eryilmaz, A. (2010): Using of Positive Psychotheraphy Narratives at School. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences 5:7 2010, 420-422

Eryılmaz, A. (2011): Pozitif psikoterapi ve gelişimsel rehberlik bağlamında bütçe yönetme [Budget development class guidance program for adolescencent with respect to positive psychotherapy and comprehensive guidance]. Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi ‐ Journal of Educational Sciences Research, 1 (1), 1–17. http://ebad‐ Turkish language

Eryılmaz, A. (2011): Investigating of the Relationships Between Adults’ Subjective Well-being and Primary-Secondary Capabilities with Respect to Positive Psychotherapy. Yetiþkin Öznel Ýyi Oluþu ile Pozitif Psikoterapi Baðlamýnda Birincil ve Ýkincil Yetenekler Arasýndaki Ýliþkilerin Ýncelenmesi. Klinik Psikiyatri 2011;14:17-28. Turkish language

Eliceeva, Marina V. (2000): Psychosomatic Aspects in Clinic, Diagnostics and Treatment of Inner Deseases Concerning Asthma Bronchiale. Psychosomatische Zusammenhänge in der Klinik, Diagnostik und Behandlung von inneren Erkrankungen am Beispiel des Asthma bronchiale. Dissertation Medical Faculty Pavlov Medizinische Universität, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2000 (*) Russian language

Franzen, G. (2013): Positive Psychotherapie und rezeptive Kunsttherapie. Receptive art therapy and positive psychotherapy. In: Musik, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie 24 (4) 4/2013, Hogrefe Göttingen, 163-168. German language.

Goncharov, Maxim A. (2003): Emotional relationship and its role in interaction between psychotherapist and the patient. Dissertation Medical Faculty Bekhterev Federal Neuropsychiatric Research Institute St. Petersburg, Russia. (Гончаров М.А. Эмоциональные отношения и их роль во взаимодействии психотерапевта и пациента. Дисс. на соискание ученой степени к.м.н. – СПб, 2003). (*) Russian language

Goncharov M. (2012): Operationalisation of Countertransference in Positive Psychotherapy. Int. Journal of Psychotherapy Vol 16, No. 3, pp. 27-43: ISSN 1356-9082

Hardt, Andreas (1988): Mikrotraumen in der Sozialpädagogik am Beispiel der Positiven Psychotherapie (Microtrauma in the Social Pedagogy Related to the Model of Positive Psychotherapy). Diplomarbeit im Fachbereich Sozialpädagogik. Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main (*) German language

Henrichs C. (2012): Psychodynamic Positive Psychotherapy Emphasizes the Impact of Culture in the Time of Globalization. Journal Scientific Research. Psychology 2012. Vol.3, No.12A, 1148-1152 ( DOI:10.4236/psych.2012.312A169
Hübner, Gunther (1994): Planung einer Fortbildungsmaßnahme zum Burnout-Syndrom auf der Basis der Positiven Psychotherapie. Diplomarbeit im Fach Erziehungswissenschaft. Universität Frankfurt am Main (*) German language

Kirillov I. (2002): Supervision in der Positiven Psychotherapie. Medizin. Dissertation. Bekhterev Federal Neuropsychiatric Research Institute. St. Petersburg, Russia, 2002 (*) Russian language

Kirillov I, Albarova E: (2004): Emotional Maturity. Moscow. English.

И. Кириллов, Е. Алборова (2004): Эмоциональная зрелость. Москва 2004. Russian.

Kravchenko Y.(2011): Management of training and coaching technologies in life-long education. Positive cross-cultural approach. Master thesis. University of economic “Krok”. – Kyiv, 2011.

Кравченко Юрій Євгенович: Управління тренінговими та коучінговими технологіями в освіті протягом життя. Позитивний крос-культурний підхід. Магістерська робота. Університет єкономіки «Крок». – Київ, 2011.
Maric, Walburg (1983): Positive Psychotherapie – eine Behandlungsmethode für jeden Arzt. Bericht über die 1. Bad Nauheimer Psychotherapiewoche, Hessisches Ärzteblatt 9/1983

Marinova T. (2000): Don ́t talk to hear me. (Sprich nicht, um mich zu hören). 2. World Conference on Positive Psychotherapy, Wiesbaden 05-09.07, 2000г. German language

Marinova T. (2000): Education in the 21st Century. 2. World Conference on Positive Psychotherapy, Wiesbaden 05-09.07, 2000г. German language

Marinova T. (2003): Situative Anxiety and Positive Psychotherapy. 4. Trainingsseminar for Positive Psychotherapy, Varna 2003. Presentation and Résumé in English and Bulgarian language

Marinova T. (2010): Children and Youth Agression and the Transcultural Approach (Детско- юношеската агресия и Транскултуралния подход). 5th World Conference on Positive Psychotherapy, Istanbul 9-12.10., 2010г.Presentation and Resume in English.

Marinova P., Shishkov R., Boncheva I., Angelova A., Kukov K., Petrov P. (2012): The Unknown Depression in General Medicine Practice Hides Serious Risks for Health (Маринов П., Р. Шишков, Ив. Бончева, А. Ангелова, К. Куков, П. Петров: Неразпознатата депресия в общата медицинска практика крие сериозни рискове за здравето.) В сп. JP News, 11 (50), г.13, ноември 2012, 21-23

Naghashian, Laura (2012): Gesundheit und Resilienzförderung durch das „Nachdenken über das geistige Leben“? Eine Untersuchung und Evaluation mit Blick auf das salutogenetische Konzept und das „Balance-Modell“ nach Peseschkian. Bachelorarbeit (Fachgebiet: Soziale Arbeit, Sozialmedizin, Pädagogik). Fachhochschule RheinMain (Wiesbaden), German.

Ozsväth, K’aroly: A Pozitiv Pszichoteräpia, Psychiatria Hungarica 11.6vf. 3. sz. 187-199.
Pankow, Michael (1997): Possibilities of Positive Psychotherapy for life quality in the terminal stage of onkological patients. Die Möglichkeiten der Positiven Psychotherapie in der Lebenssicherstellung der onkologischen Kranken im terminalen Stadium, Dissertation, Arkhangelsk 1997. Russian

Peseschkian, H. (1998): Positive Psychotherapy as a Transcultural Approach in the Russian Psychotherapy (Позитивная психотерапия как транскультуральный подход в российской психотерапии», диссертация в виде научного доклада на соискание ученой степени доктора медицинских наук, СПб, 1998, научно-исследовательский психоневрологический институт им.

Peseschkian, N., & Tritt, K. (1998). Positive Psychotherapy. Effectiveness study and quality assurance. The European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counseling & Healh, 1, 93-104.

Peseschkian N (1991): Fantasies and parables as media in psychotherapy. Diskussionsforum Med Ethik. 1991 Nov;(11):LXIII-LXVI. Article in German. (PubMed)

Peseschkian, Nossrat (1988): The Importance of Social Norms in Positive Psychotherapy concerning the Transcultural Aspect. Empirical Research on the Basis of “Wiesbaden Differentiation Analytic Questionaire WDF (Die Bedeutung sozialer Normen in der Positiven Psychotherapie unter dem transkulturellen Gesichtspunkt. Empirische Untersuchungen auf der Grundlage des „Wiesbadener Differenzierungsanalytischen Fragebogens (WDF)). Habilitation Medical Faculty, University Frankfurt am Main. (*) German language

Peseschkian, N., & Deidenbach, H. (1988). Wiesbadener Inventar zur Positiven Psychotherapie und Familientherapie WIPPF. Berlin, New York: Springer Verlag.
Peseschkian N (1981): Positive psychotherapy in medical practice. A new model in the treatment of psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders. ZFA (Stuttgart). 1981 Apr 20;57(11):795-805. Article in German (PubMed)

Petkova P., Boncheva I., Matanova V., Bozhinova D., Raijjeva M: The History of Clinical and Consultative Psychology in Bulgaria. (Петкова, П., Ив. Бончева, В. Матанова, Д. Божинова, М. Райчева: История на клиничната и консултативна психология в България.) Пленарен доклад (*)


Remmers A. (1994): Rauchen – psychotherapeutische Aspekte. Zschr. Positive Psychotherapie 15. Jg. Heft 16, 29-40, ISSN 0942-1203. German.

Remmers A. (1994): „An Integrated Model for Salutogenesis and Prevention in Education, Organisation, Therapy, Self Help and Family Consultation, Based on Positive Family Psychotherapy – Realized Projects and Experiences in Bulgaria 1992 – 1994“, manuscript, Conference on “The Family in the Year 2000”, Moscow

Remmers A. (1995): Kriterien des Ausbildungsganges und berufsbegleitender Qualitätssicherung in der Ausbildung von Ärzten und medizinischen Psychologen zu Psychotherapeuten. Journal Positum, Varna, 1/1995, 21-23. ISSN 1310-5221. Bulgarian.

Remmers A. (1996): Actual Situation, Psychotherapy Research and Psychotherapeutic Practice in Comparison with the Program of DPPB, Varna, Bulgaria (Bulgarian). Актуално състояание на изледвания върху психотерапията и на психотерапевтичната практика в Германия в съпоставка с програмата на ДППБ / Варна. Lecture at the 1. National Conferenz for PPT in Bulgaria. Journal Positum, Varna, Feb. 1996, 13-28. ISSN 1310-5221. Bulgarian.

Remmers A. (1996): WIPPF 2.0 int. Transcultural Adaptation of the Psychotherapeutic Questionnaire WIPPF for the International Use. Theoretical and Practical Aspects. WIPPF2.0 int. – Транскултурална обработка на психотерапевтичния въпросник WIPPF за международно приложение / теоретически и практически аспект. Journal Positum, Varna, Feb. 1996, 13-28. ISSN 1310-5221. Bulgarian.

Remmers A. (1997): Five Capacities of the Psychotherapist. 1st World Conference of Positive Psychotherapy. St. Petersburg 1997

Remmers A. (1999): Salutogenesis and Prevention in Education, based on Positive Family Psychotherapy – Realized Projects and Experiences in Bulgaria 1992 – 1994. Zschr. Positive
Psychotherapie 19. Jg. Heft 20, 86-93, ISSN 0942-1203. Englisch.

Remmers A. (1999): Feelings in Psychotherapy. Comment concerning the Work of Rainer Krause about feelings. Чувствата в психотерапията. Коментар към работата на Райнер Краусе върху чувствата. Journal Positum, Varna, Mai 1999, 3-10. ISSN 1310-5221. Bulgarian.
Remmers A. (2001): The place of Positive Psychotherapy in the frame of other psychodynamic approaches. Место поъитивно психотерапии в ряду других глубинно психологических подходов. Journal Positum, Moscow St. Petersburg No. 2, 2001. 40-44, ISSN 1680-2985. Russian.

Remmers A. (2010): Five Capacities of the Psychotherapist. 5th World Conference of Positive Psychotherapy. Istanbul 2010

Remmers A. (2013): „Realisierte Projekte in Bulgarien in der Periode 1992-1995.“ und „Verzeihung und Versöhnung im psychotherapeutischen Prozess: interpersonale und intrapsychische Aspekte.“ Beide in: 20 Jahre Positive Psychotherapie in Bulgarien. Wissenschaft, Lehre, Praxis. Slavena Verlag, Varna, Bulgarien. Bulgarisch

Remmers A. (2014): „Identity and Responsibility: The Positive Psychotherapist in the intercultural society of the 21st century”. World Conference for Positive Psychotherapy, Keynote Lecture. Kemer, Turkey, 18. Nov. 2014

Russeva D., Bontcheva I. (2007): Conflict adaptation of people with traumatic suffer of a relative’s death. In: Abstract Book, IV. World Congress for positive Psychotherapy, Cyprus, 2007, S.58
Russeva D., Boncheva I. (2008): Specifity of Crisis Intervention in the (Русева Д., Ив. Бончева: Специфика на кризисните интервенции в донорската дейност. В: Известия на съюза на учените – Варна, 1/2008, 21 24

Russeva D., Boncheva I. (2008): Crisis Reaction of Mourning Relatives (Русева Д., Ив. Бончева: Кризисни реакции при близки на починали.) Известия на съюза на учените – Варна, 2/2008, 22-27

Russeva D, Boncheva I. (?): (Русева, Д., Ив. Бончева: Стратегии за адаптация при пациенти със съдова деменция.) Стено, Варна, 464 – 467

Tuğba S. (2015): Pozitif psikoterapi: Gelişimi, temel ilke ve yöntemleri ve Türk kültürüne uygulanabilirliği Positive Psychotherapy: Its development, basic principles and methods, and applicability to Turkish culture. The Journal of Happiness & Well-Being, 2015, 3 (2), 182-203

Shlyakhteko E.V.: Neues in der Psychodiagnostik und Psychotherapie von psychosomatischen Äquivalenten des Stresses bei Patienten mit Bronchialasthma. Pavlov Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russland, 2001. (*)

Sidorov PI, Novikova IA, Solov’ev AG (2001): Aspects of psychotherapy in diabetes mellitus with accompanying alcoholic intoxication. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2001;101(1):32-6. Russian. (PubMed)

Sidorov PI, Pankov MN (1997): Positive psychotherapy in work with hospice patients. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1997;97(2):25-8. Article in Russian (see PubMed)

Sinici E, Sari , Maden Ö (2014): Primary and Secondary Capacities in Post-Traunatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Patients in terms of Positive Psychotherapy. International Journal of Psychotherapy: 2014, Vol. 18 Number 3, pp 17-31: ISSN 1356-9082

Sirtsova, E.Yu.: Optimization of the Diagnostics of Internal Disorders, at the Example of Hemostatiopathy and Ulceral Diseases. Medical Dissertation, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia, 2001 (*)
Stoyanov Z., Bozov H., Boncheva I., Marinov M., Pashalieva I. (2008): (Anxiety Personality and Stress Reaction of Cardial Pulse Frequency – Gender Differences) (Стоянов, Сл., Х. Бозов, Ив. Бончева, М.
маронов, И. Пашалиева, Д.Ставрев: Личностова тревожност и стресов реактивност на сърдечната Честота – полови различия. В. Сб. доклади VII конференция на Българското сдружение по авиационна, морска и космическа медицина, Сф., 2008, 126-137

Stoyanov Z., M. Marinov, I. Boncheva (2008): Finger length ratio (2D:4D) and trait –state anxiety in males. In: IJ Psychophysiology, 69, 2008, 242-275

Tabatabai, Mohammad (2011): Ressourcen und Konfliktpotenziale in binationalen Partnerschaften. Eine Studie zu deutsch-iranischen Paarbeziehungen im Kontext der Positiven Psychotherapie. Disseration. Fachbereich Psychologie und interkulturelle Pädagogik. Universität Carl von Ossietzky Oldenburg (*)

Todorova K., Boncheva I. (2007): Interactive Models of the Behaviour of Patients and Medical Personal in the Situation of Frustration in Psychiatric Acute Care Units (Тодорова К., Ив. Бончева: Интерактивни модели на поведение на пациенти и медицински персонал в ситуации на фрустрация в острите психиатрични отделения. Известия на Съюза на учените – Варна, 2/2007, 6-8

Todorova K., Boncheva I. (2008): Тодорова, К., Ив. Бончева – Интерактивни модели на поведение при пациенти и медицински персонал в ситуации на фрустрация в острите психиатрични отделения – Известия на СУ – Варна, серия Медицина и
екология 2’2007/ – 1’2008 – стр.13-16.

Tomcheva S., Boncheva I. (2011): Ст.Томчева, Бончева Ив.: Агресивни нагласи у 18- годишни младежи на базата на Картинно-фрустрационната проба на Розенцвайг В сб. “40 – години Шуменски университет 1971-2011”, т.2, 2011, стр.

Tritt, K., Loew, T. H., Meyer, M., Werner, B., & Peseschkian, N. (1999). Positive psychotherapy: Effectiveness of an interdisciplinary approach. The European Journal of Psychiatry, 13, 231-241.

Tsekov S., Todorova K., Boncheva I. (2011): Cognitive and Emotional Disorders in Small Brain Atrophy, with Clinical Case Description (Цеков С., К.Тодорова, Ив. Бончева: Когнитивни и емоционални нарушения при малкомозъчна атрофия с описание на клиничен случай. В сп. Психиатрия, 38, 2011, 2, 18-22

Ulusoy, Y Ö, Varlıklı G Ö: Perception of Secondary Capacities in Positive Psychotherapy Approach in Terms of Turkish counsellor Candidates. World Conference for Positive Psychotherapy, Lecture. Kemer, Turkey, 21. Nov. 2014

Velikova K., Remmers A. (1997): Transcultural Research – Differentiation of Contents: Which are the Capacities in Depressive Disorders? (Transkulturelle Forschung – inhaltlich differenziert: Welches sind bevorzugte Fähigkeiten bei depressiven Störungen?) Zschr. Positive Psychotherapie. German.

Książki prof. Nossrata Peseschkiana.

okładka tytuł oryginału wydawnictwo autor tłumaczenia
Positive Psychotherapie – Theorie
und Praxis einer neuen MethodePositive Psychotherapy – Theory
and Practice of a new Method
Fischer TB, Frankfurt
ISBN 9783596267835
Nossrat Peseschkian Chinese, English,
Spanish, Turkish
Der Kaufmann und der Papagei –
Orientalische Geschichten in der
Positiven PsychotherapieOriental Stories as Tools in
Psychotherapy – The Merchant
and the Parrot
Fischer TB, Frankfurt
ISBN 9783596233007
(33. Aufl.)
Nossrat Peseschkian Amharic, Arabic,
Chinese, Czech,
Dutch, English,
Farsi, French,
Russian, Serbian,
Spanish, Turkish
Psychotherapie des Alltagslebens:
Konfliktlösung und Selbsthilfe.
Mit 250 Fallbeispielen
Psychotherapy of Everyday Life
Fischer TB, Frankfurt
ISBN 9783596218554
Nossrat Peseschkian Albanian,
Chinese, Czech,
English, German,
Russian, Turkish
Positive Familientherapie. Eine
Behandlungsmethode der
Positive Family Therapy
Fischer TB, Frankfurt
ISBN 9783596267613
Nossrat Peseschkian Bulgarian,
Chinese, English,
Russian, Spanish,
translation is
available, not yet
Psychosomatik und Positive
Psychotherapie – Transkultureller
und interdisziplinärer Ansatz am
Beispiel von 40 Krankheitsbildern
Psychosomatics and Positive
Psychotherapy (Positive
Psychotherapy in Psychosomatic
Fischer TB, Frankfurt
ISBN 9783596117130
Nossrat Peseschkian Bulgarian,
Chinese, English,
German, Russian
33 und eine Form der
33 and One Form of Partnership
Fischer TB, Frankfurt
ISBN 9783596267927
Nossrat Peseschkian Bulgarian,
Chinese, Czech,
available, not yet
Auf der Suche nach Sinn –
Psychotherapie der kleinen
In Search of Meaning –
Psychotherapy of Small Steps
Fischer TB, Frankfurt
ISBN 9783596267705
Nossrat Peseschkian Bulgarian,
Chinese, English,
available, not yet
Morgenland – Abendland.
Positive Psychotherapie im
Gleichgewicht der Kulturen
Biography of Nossrat Peseschkian
Positive Psychotherapy in
Dialogue between the Cultures
Fischer TB, Frankfurt
ISBN 9783596158614
Nossrat Peseschkian
Manije Peseschkian,
Thomas Kornbichler
German, Russian
Angst und Depression im Alltag:
Eine Anleitung zu Selbsthilfe und
positiver Psychotherapie
Anxiety and Depression in
Everyday Life
Fischer TB, Frankfurt
ISBN 9783596133024
Nossrat Peseschkian
Udo Boessmann
German, Russian

Książki innych autorów

Boessmann U., Remmers A. (2005): Wirksam behandeln. DPV, Bonn. German language

Boessmann U., Remmers A. (2012): Das Erstinterview. DPV, Bonn. German language

Boncheva I. (2013): Psychological Psychotherapy. Psychotherapeutic competence. Slavena, Varna. Bulgarian language

Ciesielski, R., (2016) Pięć etapów Transkulturowej Psychoterapii Pozytywnej. Wrocław: Opis procesu terapeutycznego oraz strategii samopomocy. Wydawnictwo Continuo

Goncharov, M., (2015) Conflict operationalization in Positive Psychotherapy; ISBN: 9785990545519

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